Every story begins with an encounter. The story of Brioches Fonteneau began when Gilles and Marie Jo Fonteneau bought their bakery in Chavagnes en Paillers in 1977. Lovers of the Vendée region's gourmet heritage, the Fonteneau family quickly developed a passion for making brioches and gâches vendéennes, to which they devoted all their energy.

40 years later, it's Christine and Mathieu, sister and brother, who carry on the family and local tradition. "Our motivation is identical to that of our beginnings: to see the delight of young and old alike when they taste our products".

Today, they make over 40,000,000 brioches sold in France and abroad, and continue to expand while maintaining their taste for tradition, proximity and creativity. They offer a wide choice of brioches and gâches for every moment of the day. Creative ideas, strong values and, above all, traditional know-how combined with industrial expertise: Brioches Fonteneau puts all its energy into serving the authentic taste of our Vendée region. Find all their products on their website or in their factory outlet in Boufféré.

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