From the moment it began, the Vendée Globe race has belonged to the hearts of our French département. Along with the Conseil Départemental de la Vendée, the town of Les Sables d’Olonne, the company SODEBO and the Région des Pays de la Loire, some thirty large companies from the Vendée department have come on board, making the Vendée the organiser of one of the greatest races in the world.

20 years ago, Sodebo took part in the legendary Vendée Globe as a shipowner alongside Thomas Coville. In 2004, they went on to become official sponsors of the race. Each edition is unique and illustrates the incredible evolution of the world of ocean racing, which has never stopped progressing. You only have to look at the evolution of the boats to understand that, with each edition, they have entered a new era, but there is still room for everyone. What we have in common are the stories of these men and women who are embarking on an adventure that is bound to change them.
Partenaire Premium


In June 2014, Eoliennes en mer Iles d'Yeu et de Noirmoutier was named the winner of the tender to install and operate an offshore wind farm off the Vendée. EMYN is a consortium made up of Ocean Winds (a joint venture between ENGIE and EDP Renovaveis), Sumitomo Corporation, Banque des Territoires and Vendée Energie.

Open to others through human solidarity, its sense of community and the vitality of its youth; full of regional diversity, unique architectural heritage, varied landscapes and protected from the Loire Valley right up to the shores of the Atlantic; reaching out to the rest of the world through its innovative businesses, centres of excellence and major events: the Pays de la Loire region moves forward with minds wide open.


The Musée National de la Marine has one of the finest and oldest collections in the world, spanning more than 250 years of French maritime and naval history. Present in Brest, Paris, Port-Louis, Rochefort and Toulon, it is a museum of art and history, science and technology, popular traditions and human adventures.

U de Vendée is a group of more than 40 independent business leaders who wear the colors of the U cooperative. They uphold a vision of proximity to their customers and employees, with the aim of creating a business with a human face that reflects who they are.
They promote reasoned, responsible consumption, establish healthy relationships with producers and associations (sporting, cultural, charitable, etc.), speak up for the local area, and integrate new social, environmental and local requirements, while respecting their values, which are also those of their customers. Thanks to them, they practice a different kind of commerce.
Technical suppliers

Gobi helps organisations reduce their waste by offering the most environmentally-friendly water bottles, cutlery and lunch boxes on the market. Designed for the workplace, their products are customisable, eco-designed, 100% made in France and assembled in ESATs. Gobi can also advise you on how to ensure they are adopted (communication campaign, etc.).